Friday, June 29, 2007

Shutdown power off

Today we worked on our games, came up with some good ideas. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed right now looking at the games that other people have created this week! I'm trying to make myself feel a little better with the fact that the teachers have been doing this a lot longer than us new teachers!
I've really enjoyed this week, it's a shame it can't be longer! I feel like I've learnt so much but this has opened up how little I actually REALLY know. I can do the basic stuff, but when it comes down to the code I start getting really frustrated!
I need a tutor for the next year! Any volunteers??!!

Day 5 Afternoon

Who supports and who benefits from your participation in this project?
Lee County Schools and the principal support me, the students obviously benefit (or will in the long run) and other teachers will benefit when I have enough knowledge to impart to them about the game!

What other technology do you wish you could use or have support for?
I wish I could have a SmartBoard at the school I am going to, that is one of my regrets about leaving the middle school, I had one installed in my room, and at the high school I'll have to sign it out!
Either that or a cart of laptops for the Math building, so the kids could play on the game individually. I hope that the server at school will support the game also, a lot of things don't get through!

Day 5 Morning

How do you see this game as a tool for connecting with your students?
I think this will be a good way to connect with students, especially some of the boys who are entranced with video games! They are amazed when I tell them that I play know how it is, they think we teachers live at school and don't ever get to leave or do stuff that "normal" people do!
I think they will be amazed that I have created a game, that they are able to play, that should up my cool status! It will be a good way to communicate with them and a way for them to help me improve in game design.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Shutdown power off

We recruited Ryan at lunchtime today to come join our "cool" group! We also got cool t-shirts with the HiFive logo on them..........hmmm, is it going to be cool enough tomorrow for me to wear my jeans?
Worked a bit on my game this afternoon, couldn't get some of the sound files to work, then some of the code I wrote didn't work after the nth time, so I got really frustrated and quit for the last bit. Played the Impossible Quiz.........really is I have a headache and ready to go home. Also, got to take off this t-shirt as it's on top of my original one and I'm HOT!!! :)

Day 4 Afternoon

What interested you in video games as a form of teaching?
I feel that they are a medium that children work with already, and are ahead of adults in that respect usually, so to be able to incorporate teaching into that works creating something that the children are already interested in, but working some educational learning into the equation also.

Day 4 Morning

What do you do well when connecting with your students?
I enjoy my students, I like being part of their lives, and enjoy listening to their experiences. I think I am a pretty good listener and the kids confide in me, I take the time to inquire about what is happening at home, and in general, do what I can to make them comfortable in the classroom. I always offer them respect with the understanding that respect is offered in return.

Do you have any concerns about connecting with your students?
Not really, my only concern is that I get too attached to my students, and feel that they are my own kids, I feel the pain of their disappointments and joy of their successes. I worry that I cannot do enough for them to ease their teenage years, and this worry carries over into my home life. My concern is trying to set boundaries!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Shutdown power off

Well, had a little fun today, even though it took me a while to wake up! I wish we could do the lessons in the morning instead of the afternoon, because in the afternoon I'm so sleepy and can't concentrate fully!
Alice had fun on the HiFives website looking at bad stuff!
I had fun downloading sounds but my neck and back are killing me and I'm feeling uninspired to write right now so...................bye! :)